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Phyllis Jean Newsletter, Issue #022 -- Done!
November 19, 2012


January 10 Issue #11

~Table of Contents~

The Store is Up!

New Denim Skirts(and more)

Craft Fair

Another Great Order and Comment

The Store is Up and Running

It’s almost time for the biggest shopping day of the year! Many stores will have people outside sitting in line for hours hoping to get a great deal on something or other.

We’re not going to have a high pressure “put in your order by 9am sale, or be the 1st 300 people to order and get….” But we wanted to let you know that exceptional deals on these clothes we have been offering for the last four years will be coming to a close. We’ve had to take a good look at the numbers and evaluate our income from the business. The conclusion is we cannot afford to stay in business with these prices. We have our clothes made here in the US which as you know costs quite a bit more than having them done overseas. These are high quality clothes and we’ve been “giving them away!” So…… there are a few more days to cash in on a great deal before the new prices come rolling in. We appreciate your business and all the lovely compliments throughout the years and hope you’ll stick with us.

P.S. We will be having a clearance page where you can still get a great deal on modest clothes!

New Denim Skirts(and more)


You’ve asked for them and they are finally on their way!!! Denim skirts with pockets!!! The skirts are estimated to be available before the end of the year. These should be the best batch yet. They will be a great length and have a little longer pockets than the last batch. Keep your eyes open for the newsletter announcing their arrival.

We also have a great dress pattern for young ladies that is in the works right now. We found a very experienced pattern maker here in TX and hope to have the new dress also available before the year’s end. This dress will be a hit! Buttons down the front and no bows make getting dressed a snap.

Craft Fair

Well as you might of guessed most of the people today are not very interested in dressing modestly. We recently got two booths at two different events. We spent a lot of time arranging the tables and packing and unpacking for these booths. The products people were most interested in…..bloomers, dusters, and little girl blouses! I think from now on we will stick to the internet .

Customer Comment

Another great comment and testimony about our clothes came in the other day. A lady ordered four of our blouses. She was a first time customer from Canada. She received the blouses and a bit later requested ALL the other prints we had in her size! She mentioned that she would also be making a poster about our company to bring to work!! This order says so much about the clothing we offer. How many shops do you return to time and time again with such confidence in their products? We hope to earn your business too!

Thank you all for subscribing and we will see you again next month.

If you have any feedback you would like to share with us we would be happy to hear it. Simply reply to this newsletter.

Thank You,
Phyllis Jean and company

The quotes or articles we use throughout our site and in our newsletter are relevant to modesty and other interesting topics.

We do not necessarily agree with everything the author has to say or what they believe.
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